3 Short but Powerful Books - That You Can Read in a Day


  1. The War of Art — Steven Pressfield

Don’t be fooled by the title, This book is not just for those who may be artistically inclined, rather it is for anyone who has something that they know they should be working on. Everything is clear and to the point. Not one word is wasted.

2. How to Win Friends & Influence People — Dale Carnegie

A book more about being a decent person in society, rather than a book about how to manipulate those around you. Each chapter covers one of Dale’s principles. Each principle is complemented with numerous anecdotes highlighting its effects in practice. Reading one or two of these for each principle is enough to get the point across. In order to finish this quite long book quickly, I recommend reading the anecdotes until the principle clear, then skipping to the next chapter.

3. The Stranger (aka The Outsider) — Albert Camus

A great short novel to dip your toe into philosophical/existentialist literature. I shan’t say another word about it, but merely provide you with one of my favourite opening lines from the novel: “Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don’t know.”.

I figure one could probably read all three books in three-quarters of a day.



Stan Horodecki
Stan Horodecki

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